Arabica Coffee Beans Benefits, Brands & Price

Arabica Coffee Beans Benefits, Brands & Price

Arabica coffee beans originated in the highlands of Ethiopia and are known for their sweeter, fruitier flavor compared to other coffee varieties. The beans grow well in high altitude environments which contribute to the development of their flavor profile.

Arabica beans go through a wet processing method to remove the outer fruit and parchment layer before being dried. An important step is the toasting process which involves heating the green beans to bring out the characteristic aromas and flavors through chemical changes in the beans. The resulting flavors tend to be described as fruity, sweet, and complex. The origin, cultivation, processing, and toasting techniques all impact the aroma and quality of the final Arabica café bean.


  • Arabica coffee beans are one of the two main species of beans grown around the world, the other being Robusta.
  • Arabica is known as the higher quality option with a sweeter, more complex taste profile. This is because Arabica beans contain more lipids and sugar than Robusta.
  • The flavor of Arabica is described as delicate with notes of chocolate and nuts.
  • Arabica beans grow best at high altitudes in rich soil and require more care. Top producers of Arabica include Brazil and Colombia in Latin America as well as Ethiopia in Africa.
  • The Arabica species is also less hardy than Robusta plants. Due to difficulty farming, Arabica coffee often costs more than the harsher, more bitter Robusta.
  • Specialty coffee shops utilize Arabica beans for single-origin roasts and beverages like cappuccinos where the sweeter notes can shine.
  • The mild flavor of Arabica allows the complexity to feature in a way that the harsh Robusta cannot match. So while more expensive and delicate, Arabica is always the choice for high-end specialty coffee.

What is Arabica coffee beans?

Coffea arabica, also known as Arabic coffee, is a species of flowering plant in the coffee and madder family Rubiaceae. Coffea arabica is believed to have been the first coffee species cultivated and is currently the dominant café cultivar, representing about 60% of global coffee production.

On the other hand, café produced from the less acidic, more pungent, and higher caffeinated robusta bean (Coffea canephora) make up most of the remaining global café production. The natural populations of Coffea arabica are limited to specific forests in South Ethiopia and Yemen genetic diversity, is the geographic source of this coffee species. 

Arabica beans are selected as one of the highest quality café beans, known for their sweet, soft, and delicate aroma profile with tones of sugar, fruit, and berries.

I’ve been in the coffee industry for over 20 years, and Arabica beans have always been my personal favorite and the choice of beans for specialty coffee roasters and coffee shops. Their complex aroma and aroma make them perfect for premium blends and single-origin café.

What is Arabica coffee beans?

Where do Arabica coffee beans come from?

Arabica café plants thrive in high-altitude tropical climates with rich volcanic ground, such as regions of South America, Central America, Africa, India, and Indonesia. Some of the most sought-after Arabica beans include:

  • Colombian – Full-bodied with a smooth, well-balanced flavor and caramel sweetness. Grown in the Andes mountains.
  • Brazilian – Sweet and nutty in flavor. The largest Arabica producer.
  • Ethiopian – Birthplace of Arabica coffee. Intense fruit and floral notes. Grown in rich volcanic soil.
  • Guatemalan – Medium-bodied. Chocolate and nutty notes. Grown in volcanic soil and high altitudes.
  • Sumatran – Full-bodied and earthy with herbal aroma. Grown in volcanic Indonesian island soil.

As an expert coffee source for high-end toast, these are the sources frequently sought out for their exemplary Arabica café bean excellence.

Best Arabica coffee beans

When it comes to the best specialty Arabica café beans, it’s important to consider factors like where the beans are grown, how they are processed and roasted coffee, and if they are a single source vs a blend.

Here are my top Arabica café bean recommendations:

Volcanica Coffee Costa Rica Tarrazu

  • Region: Costa Rica
  • Processing: Honey
  • Tasting Notes: Sweet, creamy, tones of milk chocolate and honey
  • Roast: Medium

Grown in the fertile Tarrazu region of Costa Rica, these single origin beans produce a silky and vibrant cup. The honey process enhances the natural sweetness. Medium roast showcases the bean’s origin character.

Volcanica Coffee Costa Rica Tarrazu

Kicking Horse Coffee Smart Ass Blend

  • Origins: Central & South America
  • Processing: Washed
  • Tasting Notes: Chocolate, toasted nuts, red apple sweetness
  • Roast: Medium

This lively and cheeky blend combines beans from several regions. It’s well-balanced with a rounded body and rustic chocolaty aroma. A great daily drinker.

Kicking Horse Coffee Smart Ass Blend

Java Planet Guatemalan

  • Origin: Guatemala
  • Processing: Washed
  • Tasting Notes: Smooth, vibrant, milk chocolate
  • Roast: Medium-dark

Grown in rich Guatemalan volcanic soil, these single origin heirloom Typica beans have an ultra smooth mouthfeel and bright citrusy acidity. The medium-dark roast adds nuttiness.

Death Wish Coffee Valhalla Java Blend

  • Origins: Central & South America
  • Processing: Washed
  • Tasting Notes Fair trade beans. Notes of cherry, chocolate
  • Roast: Dark

A USDA certified organic and fair trade blend that packs a caffeine punch without bitterness. Well-balanced with a clean finish. Sourced from small farms.

No matter your flavor preferences – fruity, chocolatey, nutty – there’s a specialty Arabica bean out there waiting to become your new favorite cup of coffee!

Blue MountainTypica MutationBlue Mountains region of Jamaica.
Bourbon CoffeeC. arabicaRéunionRwandaLatin America.
Geisha CoffeeC. arabicaEthiopiaTanzaniaCosta RicaPanamaColombiaPeru
Yirgacheffe CoffeeC. arabicaEthiopia
Kona CoffeeTypicaHawaii
Arusha CoffeeBourbon Sub-VarietiesMount Meru in Tanzania, and Papua New Guinea
K7 CoffeeBourbon Sub-VarietiesAfrica
Heirloom CoffeeC. arabicaEthiopia
Typica CoffeeC. arabicaWorldwide
Catuaí coffeeTypica Intraspecific HybridLatin America
Caturra coffeeBourbon MutationLatin and Central America
Mundo NovoTypica Intraspecific HybridLatin America
Coffee beans Types

Arabica Coffee Beans Benefits

Arabica coffee beans, known for their rich aroma and smooth aroma, have numerous benefits. These beans are cultivated at altitudes between 1,300 and 1,500 m altitude, in climate change with temperatures ranging between 15 and 24 °c temperature. 

The Arabica plant produces green coffee berries, which are brown, 1 cm long, and full of nutrients. These berries are the source of the renowned arabica kind seed, used in espresso and other café beverages. 

The Arabic coffee seed plant is also known for its dark-green leaves and is an endangered Arabica species, with an estimated 13.5 to 19.5 billion individuals remaining. 

Furthermore, arabica café beans have a lower caffeine content of only 0.76 mg caffeine per gram, making them an ideal choice for those looking to limit their stimulant intake. 

  • Higher in antioxidants: The Arabica kind tends to be greater in antioxidants like chlorogenic acid compared to Robusta beans. Antioxidants can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.
  • Less stimulant: The Arabica kind naturally has about half the stimulant content of Robusta. A typical cup of Arabica café has around 100-150 mg caffeine whereas Robusta is closer to 170-210 mg per cup. The lower stimulant may cause less stimulant effects.
  • Better aroma: Arabica beans are often considered superior in aroma. They tend to be more aromatic, balanced, and complex with tasting hints like sugar, harvest, cacao, or wine. Robusta is more neutral and bitter in the aroma profile.
  • Less acidic: Arabica coffee comes to be less acidic overall due to lower chlorogenic acid content. This means it may be less irritating to sensitive stomachs or acid reflux. Acidity also balances aroma, but excessive levels can impart sourness.
  • Smooth mouthfeel: The lipids and sugars in the Arabica kind lend to a more well-rounded, smooth feel in the mouth. Oils tame bitterness and acidic tang without imparting a lot of astringent sensations on the tongue.

In summary, Arabica café a pleasant aroma with less bitterness, more aroma, less caffeine-induced jitters, and gentler acids than Robusta coffee. This makes it popular as a convenient daily café consumed by many people worldwide.

Arabica Coffee Beans brands

Arabica coffee beans come from different brands around the world, offering a kind of options for café enthusiasts. These beans can come in packages ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 kilograms dried beans, with logos representing their country of source. 

Arabica varieties are 100% Arabica and are known for their strong, delicious aroma. They are usually light in color, oblong berries in shape, and are often cultivated in countries such as Kenya, Vietnam, and South Ethiopia. 

Some popular Arabica brands of cafes include Jamaican Blue Mountain, Tarrazú from Costa Rica, and Sumatra. Arabica kind also has to face threats from pests like the coffee berry borer. 

BrandNew OriginsProcessing MethodsRecent Developments
Blue BottleDemocratic Republic of Congo, IndonesiaPour over, cold brew, New Orleans-style icedDirect trade relationships with farmers for fresh beans
IntelligentsiaDemocratic Republic of Congo, IndonesiaAnaerobic, honeyAdded coffees supporting women producers
Counter CultureCosta Rica, Ecuador geishasHoney, anaerobicOpened training centers in Philadelphia and Los Angeles
StumptownPeru, Rwanda, Papua New GuineaCarbonic macerationAdded locations in Chicago and LA airports
Onyx Coffee LabVarious single originsHoney, anaerobic, yeast-fermentedGrowing retail presence, new subscription model

Arabica Coffee Beans price

Arabica beans’ price varies depending on a few factors. Arabica coffee is one of the most commonly cultivated types of coffee and is typically cultivated at greater elevations. The care and attention given to Arabica coffee plants are extensive, as they are known for their magical and endless produce hints. 

Arabicas are commercially cultivated in many coffee-growing countries such as Brazil, Colombia, and Ethiopia. The price of the Arabica kind can be beneficial for those looking for a tasty and top-quality mug of café, but there is no doubt that it comes at a greater cost compared to other types of coffee. 

Coffee Grade/TypePrice RangeFactors Affecting Price
Grocery Store Brands (Folgers, Maxwell House)$6 – $8 per 12oz bagCommercial grade Arabica beans; Focus on affordability over quality
Specialty Coffee Chains (Peet’s, Starbucks)$12 – $16 per 12oz bagBetter grade Arabica beans; Brand name recognition
Direct Trade Specialty Beans (Intelligentsia, Stumptown)$18 – $22 per 12oz bagHigh end Arabica beans; Ethical sourcing practices; Artisanal roasting
Single Origin Microlots$24+ per 12oz bagPrecision processed beans from single estate; Extremely limited lots showing unique terroir
Exotic/Rare Coffees (Geisha)$50+ per 12oz bagAward-winning beans sold at premium; Unique processing (carbonic maceration); Sold at auction

Frequently Asked Questions

To get the best flavor from this, I recommend grinding them using a burr grinder. This will create a consistent, even grind, allowing for an optimal extraction of the coffee’s flavors and aromas. Plus, using a burr grinder is like a ‘perfect cup of java’ every time – a real treat!

I suggest at a temperature between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. This range provides the optimal flavor and aroma for the coffee.

I distinguish Arabica and Robusta based on their flavor profiles, growing environment, and caffeine content. Arabica beans have a sweeter, softer taste and grow best at higher altitudes. Robusta beans have a bolder, more bitter flavor and can grow at lower altitudes. Arabica beans also contain less caffeine than Robusta beans.

I find it ironic that coffee beans, such a beloved part of many people’s daily routine, can go stale so quickly. Arabica can typically be stored for up to two months before they become noticeably stale. After that, the flavor, aroma, and overall quality of the coffee will begin to diminish.

I’ve researched the cost-effectiveness of various and found that Colombian Supremo is the most economical choice. Its smooth, slightly sweet flavor and relatively low cost make it an ideal choice for coffee lovers.


Arabica varieties require careful attention to their growing conditions and must be cultivated in the right environment, as they cannot survive in harsh states. They are a less robust plant species compared to Robusta seeds and need to be grown at greater altitudes with a specific temperature range. 

If you’re looking to serve a high-quality, flavorful mug of java, opting for Arabica over Robusta is the way to go. The roots of Arabica coffee beans are wild and have been around for centuries, and with the right care and states, they can continue to thrive for decades to come. 

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