» » » Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta coffee beans are gaining popularity among coffee drinkers due to their unique flavor profile and higher caffeine content compared to Arabica beans. Robusta beans originate from Coffea canephora, a species of coffee plant native to West and Central Africa.

Robusta beans tend to have a more bitter, earthy taste with less acidity than Arabica. Their flavor comes from compounds like pyrazines and oxazoles formed during roasting. Robusta is used as a base for espresso blends and instant coffee.

There are several varieties of Coffea canephora cultivated for unique flavor nuances. Robusta beans also contain more antioxidants than Arabica. Some studies link robusta coffee consumption to health benefits like lower risk of Parkinson’s disease.

With robusta gaining favor for its bold flavor and functional benefits, coffee drinkers now have more options to experience new dimensions in their daily cup of coffee.

Key Takeaways

  • Robusta coffee beans have a strong, bold flavor with earthy notes and a strong aroma.
  • They have higher caffeine levels compared to Arabica beans and are typically less expensive.
  • Robusta beans are grown in hot, humid climates and prefer temperatures between 21-24 degrees Celsius.
  • Vietnam is the largest producer of Robusta coffee, followed by Brazil and Uganda.
  • The altitude at which Robusta beans are grown affects their flavor, with higher altitude resulting in more complex and intense flavors.

What is Robusta Coffee Bean?

Robusta coffee beans first originated in western and central Africa in the 19th century. Today, Robusta is primarily grown in tropical regions of East Africa, Southeast Asia, South America and India.

Unlike the Arabica coffee plant, the Coffea canephora robusta plant is hardy and resilient to pests and disease. Robusta beans also naturally contain 2-3 times more caffeine than Arabica beans. The higher caffeine content provides a stronger, bitter flavor profile.

The robusta plant’s hardiness and high crop yield make Robusta an economical coffee bean choice. Robusta is often used for espresso blends and instant coffee. The bold flavor profile stands up well in drinks with milk like cappuccinos and lattes.

So while Arabica beans are more prized, Robusta coffee offers unique advantages. Robusta’s heartiness, higher caffeine levels and bold flavor expand options for coffee drinkers seeking cost-effective beans tailored to certain coffee types.

The History of Robusta Coffee beans Origin

Robusta coffee originates from the Coffea canephora plant first discovered in Central and West Africa in the late 19th century. The Robusta variety gets its name from being hardier and more disease-resistant than the Arabica coffee plant.

After Robusta’s initial discovery in the Congo region, colonial Robusta plantations expanded in Africa in the early 20th century. But World War II halted production growth. After African independence post-WWII, countries like Cameroon and Ivory Coast resumed Robusta cultivation with government support and smallholder farms.

Beyond Africa, Robusta was also grown in Brazil and Asian countries including Indonesia, India, the Philippines and Vietnam starting in the 1900s. Today, Vietnam is the second largest global coffee producer thanks to Robusta.

Initially less popular than the Arabica variety, Robusta usage increased over the 20th century due to its high productivity and low cost. Now Robusta accounts for around 40% of worldwide coffee production, establishing it as the second most popular coffee bean globally after Arabica.

Where is Robusta Coffee Beans Grown?

Vietnam, Brazil and Uganda are the three leading producers of Robusta coffee beans globally.

In Vietnam, the key growing regions are Dong Nai and Lam Dong provinces, which account for over 90% of the country’s robusta production. With ideal climate conditions and farming expertise, Vietnam grows over 18 million 60kg bags of Robusta annually.

Brazil has two main Robusta regions – Rondônia state and Minas Gerais state. These areas yield approximately 8 million 60kg bags per year. Brazil’s long history cultivating coffee makes it a major name in Robusta.

Finally, in Uganda, production is concentrated around Lake Albert in the country’s western region, contributing about 3 million bags annually. Uganda’s tropical climate nurtures Robusta perfectly.

Together, these three countries supply nearly 80% of the world’s Robusta coffee. Their expertise and capacity to grow Robusta on a large scale has strengthened their status as the leading Robusta origins.


Vietnam is one of the world’s leading producers of robusta coffee beans, supplying over a quarter of the global supply, Coffee production has become an integral part of Vietnam’s economy, with the most popular variety being C Robusta. Here’s what you can expect from this delicious variety:

  • Freshly harvested C Robusta, grown in high altitude areas.
  • Superior quality Nguyen Coffee Supply, delivering an intense flavor.
  • High caffeine content, making it a favorite among coffee aficionados.
  • Robust body and aroma, perfect for brewing espresso or cappuccino.
  • Smooth yet complex taste, sure to please palates around the world.


Brazil is known for its unique coffee, offering a variety of flavors ranging from sweet and nutty to bold and rich. Of these, Robusta coffee beans are some of the most widely used.

Grown in regions like Brazil, the robusta coffee plant produces large quantities of this type of bean. These beans have a strong flavor and are often used as an ingredient in many popular robusta coffee brands.

Their availability makes them a desirable choice for coffee lovers around the world.


Discover the unique and exotic flavors of Uganda’s coffee – a treat that will tantalize your taste buds! Uganda is world-renowned for its Robusta coffee beans, and this variety is especially notable for its intense flavor and aroma.

Robusta coffees from Uganda have a full body, strong taste, and high caffeine content. The country produces some of the best robusta brands in the world, such as:

  • Robusta Coffees:
    • Finca Monte Blanco
    • Gorilla Mountain Coffee
    • Rwenzori Mountains Coffee
  • Coffee Leaf Rust Resistant Varieties:

Robusta Coffee Varieties

Robusta coffee beans offer over a dozen varieties that each contribute distinct flavors and aromas. Two of the most widely cultivated Robusta varieties are Erecta and Nganda.

Erecta, also known as Coffea quillou, originated in West Africa. It grows as a tall, compact shrub optimal for mechanical harvesting. Erecta has a mild, nutty flavor profile.

Nganda, also called Coffea ugandae, develops laterally with spreading branches. First grown in the Central African Republic, Nganda produces higher crop yields than Erecta. It has a smooth, chocolaty taste.

The Erecta and Nganda varieties are often blended with Arabica beans to create espresso blends. Their flavors also complement milk-based coffee drinks.

The range of Robusta varieties allows for nuanced flavors in commercial coffee blends. Understanding the unique properties of each Robusta type provides insights into achieving desired taste profiles.

Erecta (also known as Coffea quillou)

You’ll love the unique flavor of Erecta, or Coffea quillou, coffee beans! This variety of Robusta bean is grown in the bean belt that extends from Central to South America. It has a strong caffeine content and a robust flavor.

Here are three reasons why you should give this coffee bean a try:

  1. It’s full-bodied with an intense aroma.
  2. The taste is complex with notes of oak and dark chocolate.
  3. The crema produced by this coffee is thick and creamy.

Erecta is ideal for making espresso-based coffees like macchiatos, cappuccinos, and lattes, as well as home-brewed French press coffees and pour overs using Coffea canephora beans for an extra boost of body and complexity in your cup!

Nganda (also known as Coffea ugandae)

Discover the unique flavor of Nganda, or Coffea ugandae, to add complexity and a richness of flavor to your coffee!

Nganda is a species of robusta coffee beans that originated from Uganda. It’s one of the least expensive alternatives to Arabica beans for espresso and crema production.

Its smooth and mild cup profile stands out with its high acidity and low bitterness, making it an excellent choice for blending with other coffees.

Compared to other Robusta varietals like C. canephora, Nganda has a more intense flavor and aroma due to its higher caffeine levels. It also produces an even greater body than C canephora when roasted correctly.

So if you’re looking for something different in your espresso blend or are just interested in experimenting with new flavors, try using Nganda as part of your mix!

Robusta Coffee Benefits

Enjoy the rich, robust flavor of Robusta coffee and its beneficial health effects. It’s a great choice for those looking for an alternative to Arabica coffee. Robusta beans contain more caffeine than other varieties, which can provide an energy boost. They also have a distinct flavor profile with low acidity and strong bitterness.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking Robusta coffee:

  1. Higher caffeine content than Arabica beans
  2. Unique flavor profile with low acidity and strong bitterness
  3. Perfect for creating flavorful arabica-robusta blends

Robusta coffee is a great choice if you’re looking to get an energy boost or create complex blends with unique flavors that stand out from traditional Arabica brews. Whether you’re enjoying a cup in the morning or using it to make blended drinks like la

Robusta coffee, known for its bold flavor and higher caffeine content, offers an array of benefits such as increased energy and improved cognitive function, making it a popular choice among coffee lovers; meanwhile, exploring what Excelsa coffee brings to the table adds a new dimension to the appreciation of the diverse world of coffee.

Factors Influencing Robusta Flavor

As an experienced coffee expert, I can tell you that the flavor of robusta coffee is determined by four main factors:

  1. Plant strain: Different strains of robusta beans have varying levels of acidity and body, which greatly influence the overall flavor profile.
  2. Altitude: The altitude at which the beans are grown also plays a significant role in their flavor. Beans grown at higher altitudes tend to be more acidic, while those grown at lower altitudes have a smoother flavor.
  3. Shade trees: The presence of shade trees in the coffee plantation provides additional protection for the beans from direct sunlight. This protection helps to reduce bitterness and maintain a more consistent flavor profile.
  4. Processing method: The processing method used for robusta beans is crucial in creating a delicious cup of coffee. It affects both the aroma and body of the final product, contributing to its overall flavor experience.

These four factors work together to shape the unique flavor characteristics of robusta coffee.

Plant Strain

Robusta coffee beans come from a specific strain of plant, the Coffea canephora. This type of coffee is known for its hearty flavor and strong aroma, making it popular among those who appreciate a bold cup of joe.

The robusta strain is distinct from other types of coffee plants, primarily due to its genetic diversity, high caffeine content, thick husk covering the beans, natural resistance to pests and disease, and higher yield than arabica beans.

It’s these qualities that make robusta an ideal choice for anyone looking to enjoy a strong cup of coffee with excellent flavor.


Moving on from the plant strain of robusta coffee beans, let’s now discuss the altitude at which they are grown.

Robusta beans are often grown in humid and low-altitude regions like Vietnam, where sea level is approximately 0 meters. The civet coffee produced here is world-renowned for its flavor complexity.

On the other hand, Arabica beans require higher altitudes, usually between 900 and 1,500 meters for optimal growth. This means that Italian espresso blends will typically feature predominantly Arabica beans since they grow best in this region.

Despite their unique flavor profiles, however, some specialty shops still make use of Arabica-Robusta blends to create a unique taste experience.

Shade Trees

Shading the beans is an essential part of growing coffee, and robusta coffee can benefit from the shade of trees like avocados, guavas, and oranges. This helps to protect the delicate coffee cherries and preserves their flavor profile. Keeping the beans in a cool environment preserves their acidity, which makes them ideal for producing a great cup of instant coffee.

Moreover, shade-grown robusta varieties grown in Vietnam often have rich flavors that aren’t found with full sun-grown coffees.

Some of the benefits of using shade trees when growing robusta include:

  • Improved flavor: Shade trees help to preserve the flavor profiles in robusta beans, making them more desirable for use in specialty or instant coffees.
  • Increased crop yields: Coffee plants shaded by trees produce more cherries than those grown without shade, resulting in higher yields.
  • Higher quality product: With increased yields comes better quality control over the final product, ensuring only high-grade beans are used for brewing delicious cups of coffee.


After the beans have been harvested, they must be processed in order to prepare them for consumption.

Robusta coffee beans are usually processed using a traditional method called dry processing, which is more commonly used in Brazil. During this process, the ripe cherries are carefully placed on drying patios or raised beds and turned frequently until fully dried.

This process results in a cup that has a heavier body and stronger taste than other varieties of coffee. It also allows for a more traditional flavor expression than hybrid varieties like Coffea Canephora.

Dry processing helps bring out the full potential of Robusta’s unique flavor profile and intensifies its signature taste.

Robusta Coffee Extract

Robusta coffee extract comes from the Coffea canephora species of coffee beans. With its intense, earthy flavor and higher caffeine content, robusta extract adds complexity to recipes.

The extract contains almost twice the caffeine versus Arabica extract. It also provides powerful antioxidants that can benefit health. Studies show robusta extract’s antioxidant capacity is up to 30% higher than Arabica.

Popular uses for robusta extract include adding it to smoothies, baked goods, sauces, and coffee drinks. The bold, rich flavor pairs well with chocolate, nutty and caramel flavors. For example, some coffee shops add 2-5% robusta extract to espresso blends.

Robusta extract can be substituted 1:1 for instant coffee powder in recipes. The extract dissolves easily and does not alter texture. So it integrates seamlessly into diverse foods and beverages, enhancing both flavor and nutrition.

Robusta vs Arabica Coffee

Robusta and Arabica are the two main coffee bean varieties, which differ significantly in taste, caffeine content, climate needs and origin.

Robusta beans naturally contain almost double the caffeine compared to Arabica – 2.2-2.7% vs 1.2-1.5% respectively. They also have a stronger, more bitter flavor profile. Meanwhile, Arabica has a sweeter, more complex taste.

Robusta thrives in warmer equatorial climates and lower altitudes of 0-700 meters above sea level. In contrast, Arabica requires cooler temperatures and higher altitudes around 600-2000 meters.

Historically, Robusta originated in central Africa’s Congo region. Arabica was first cultivated in the highlands of Ethiopia.

Finally, Robusta beans are typically 40-60% cheaper than Arabica. Robusta plants are hardier, higher yielding and less prone to disease. This results in lower production costs.

In summary, key differences like caffeine content, flavor, climate needs and disease resistance distinguish the two main coffee varieties. But both continue to have widespread appeal worldwide.


Robusta coffee beans have a strong, bold flavor that’s sure to satisfy even the most discerning coffee lover. Their intense taste profile is created by two main varieties: Coffea canephora var. Robusta and Coffea arabica var. Robusta.

The former is known for its earthy and chocolaty notes, while the latter has a more acidic aftertaste with hints of fruit or nuttiness. Italian-style blends usually feature a combination of both types to create unique flavor profiles that are perfect for espresso drinks.

Coffea canephora var. RobustaEarthy & chocolaty notesEspresso shots & cappuccino
Coffea arabica var. RobustaAcidity & fruit/nutty notesBlended coffees & lattes
Italian-style blendUnique flavor profileSpecialty coffee drinks & cold brews

Growing Environment

Moving from the taste of robusta coffee beans to their growing environment, I can say that these beans require a specific climate in order to thrive.

Robusta grows best in hot, humid climates like those found in Southeast Asia and Africa. It prefers temperatures between 21-24 degrees Celsius (70-75 Fahrenheit) and an annual rainfall of 150 cm or more (59 inches).

The soil should be well-drained and slightly acidic, with a pH range between 4.5 – 6.5. Without this ideal environment, the beans won’t be able to produce optimal flavor or yield potential.


You’ll be delighted to learn that robusta beans have a fascinating origin story. Originating in Ethiopia, these dark-roasted beans spread throughout the world via traders and merchants, becoming popular for their higher caffeine content and intense flavor.

Here’s more on their origins:

  • First cultivated in the highlands of Ethiopia
  • Popularized by Italian coffee traders in the 19th century
  • Widely grown throughout Africa, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam
  • Now used in many espresso blends due to its strong flavor profile

Caffeine Content

Looking to get an extra boost? Robusta beans are known for their high caffeine content. In fact, it contains around twice the amount of caffeine found in Arabica beans.

BeansCaffeine Content
Robusta2.7 – 4%
Arabica1.5 – 1.7%

There is some variability depending on the variety and roast level of the coffee beans, but typically Robusta has a higher concentration of caffeine than Arabica. This makes it perfect for providing you with that extra jolt to help power through your day or late night studying session!


When it comes to cost, Robusta beans are typically more affordable than Arabica beans. They’re about 25% cheaper than their Arabica counterparts. This makes them a popular choice for those looking for an economical alternative.

The price also depends on the country of origin and the quality of the bean. For example, high-end Robusta beans from Vietnam can be quite expensive compared to standard grade Arabica beans from Brazil.


Higher altitudes mean more complex flavors, so the altitude of the beans affects their flavor profile. Robusta coffee beans are typically grown from sea level up to around 1,500 meters (4,921 feet) above sea level.

Sea LevelLight & Sweet
1,200mRobust & Complex
1,500mBold & Intense

At lower altitudes, these robusta beans have a light and sweet flavor profile. As altitude increases to 900 meters (2,953 feet), the flavor becomes balanced with both sweet and bold tastes. At 1,200 meters (3,937 feet) robusta beans offer a more robust and complex taste.

Finally at an altitude of 1,500 meters (4,921 feet), they have a bold and intense flavor that is much different than those grown near sea level. Knowing this information can help you pick out higher quality robusta coffee beans for your favorite roasts or blends.

Beans Size

Having discussed the altitude at which robusta coffee beans are grown, let’s take a closer look at the size of the beans.

Generally speaking, robusta beans are larger and heavier than other types of coffee bean. They tend to be oval-shaped with flat sides and a blunt tip on one end. The color can range from greenish-brown to dark brown depending on the roast level.

When it comes to taste, robusta has an earthy flavor that is slightly bitter and has notes of nuts or cocoa. It is also characterized by its strong aroma and full body.

Frequently Asked Questions

Caffeine content in coffee can vary greatly depending on the bean type used and the brewing method. A cup of robusta coffee typically contains more caffeine than an equivalent size cup made from arabica beans, with up to twice as much caffeine per serving.

On average, a single espresso shot made from robusta beans will contain between 80-90mg of caffeine, while a standard 8oz brewed cup could have as much as 175mg.

Factors such as roast level and brew time can also affect the overall caffeine content of your cup of coffee.

The best way to store coffee beans is to keep them in a cool, dry place. The key is to make sure the environment doesn’t have too much humidity, as this will cause the beans to become stale or moldy quickly.

It’s also important to seal the bag tightly, so that air and moisture does not get inside. You should also use fresh beans within two weeks of opening the package.

Additionally, it’s best not to expose the beans to direct sunlight, as this can break down their flavor over time.

The shelf life of roasted coffee beans can vary greatly depending on the type of bean and storage conditions.

Roasted robusta coffee beans typically have a shorter shelf life than other types of coffee beans, lasting about two to three months when stored in an airtight container with minimal exposure to light, heat, and moisture.

Properly stored robusta coffee beans will retain most of their flavor within the first few weeks after roasting, but may start to lose some potency over time.

To ensure maximum freshness and quality, it is best to consume robusta coffee beans within one to two months after roasting.

When it comes to grinding coffee for optimal flavor, the rule of thumb is to use a medium grind setting. This ensures that all of the flavors are released without making the coffee too bitter or acidic.

For robusta coffee beans, I personally recommend using a burr grinder instead of a blade grinder because it produces an even grind size and more consistent results.

It’s also important to remember not to over-grind your beans as this will lead to a bitter taste.

With these tips in mind and some experimentation, you’ll be sure to find the perfect grind setting for robusta coffee beans that gives you that delicious cup of joe every time!

Brewing coffee for a rich flavor is all about finding the right combination of grind size, water temperature, and steep time.

To get the most out of robusta beans, I recommend grinding them to a medium-fine consistency before brewing.

Use water that’s just off boiling (around 205°F), and let it steep for 4 minutes.

This should give you a delicious cup with plenty of depth and boldness.

When it comes to making espresso, many coffee enthusiasts will tell you that arabica coffee beans are the best option. Arabica beans typically have a sweeter taste and more complex flavor profile than robusta beans.

However, some people prefer the stronger, bolder flavor of robusta beans for their espresso.

The type of bean you choose is really a matter of personal preference and what kind of flavor notes you’re looking for in your espresso.

Yes, robusta coffee does offer some health benefits. Caffeine, which is found in higher concentrations in robusta beans than arabica beans, has been linked to improved alertness and concentration.

Studies have also shown that drinking moderate amounts of coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.

Additionally, the antioxidants present in robusta coffee may help protect against free radical damage and support a healthy cardiovascular system.

When it comes to grinding coffee beans, the best way to do it is by using a burr grinder. This type of grinder will ensure that the grind size is consistent and even. A burr grinder also allows you to control the fineness or coarseness of your grinds, allowing for more precise brewing techniques.

With robusta coffee beans in particular, you’ll want to use a medium-fine setting on your grinder so that you can extract all the flavor notes from these beans. When done correctly, this should result in a flavorful cup of coffee.


I’m an experienced coffee connoisseur, so I know that Robusta coffee beans have a lot to offer. They provide a unique flavor and aroma that can’t be found in other types of beans, and they come with some health benefits too.

The factors influencing the flavor are complex but fascinating, making it interesting to explore different varieties and extraction methods.

Ultimately, Robusta is a great option for those looking for something truly special in their cup of joe!

Hope you get useful information from the article, If you want to read other article or want to read more about coffeebeans, please visit the website: vietnamcoffeebeans.com

Thank you!

Categories: Types of Coffee