As a coffee aficionado, I’m always looking for new ways to make the perfect cup. Vietnamese Phin brews are unique and offer a great flavor that can be adjusted to suit your taste preferences.

This guide will show you everything you need to know about this, from the equipment you need to the tips and tricks you can use to make the perfect cup.

I’ll show you how to adjust the strength of your coffee, as well as some helpful tips and tricks to ensure you get the best cup every time. So let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Shaking out the coffee grounds ensures even distribution and prevents uneven flow of coffee, improving the extraction process.
  • Placing the gravity press with robusta beans and boiling water between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing the coffee to bloom for 60 seconds, enhances flavor extraction.
  • Achieving a steady flow in the phin filter can be done by recalibrating with the gravity press and using a spoon to lift and drop it, indicating the presence of an air pocket.
  • Dialing in the phin filter involves starting with a fine grind size and adjusting it based on desired time metrics, using timing metrics for guidance.

The Phin Filter: What is it?

Vietnamese Phin Brewing

The Phin Filter is a Vietnamese coffee brewing device that I use to make my morning cup of joe. It’s a simple yet effective tool that allows me to create a rich and flavorful brew.

The history of the phin filter dates back to the French colonial period in Vietnam, where it was introduced by the French. Since then, it has become an integral part of Vietnamese coffee culture.

To ensure optimal performance, it’s important to clean and maintain your phin filter regularly. After each use, I rinse it with hot water and use a brush to remove any leftover coffee grounds. I also make sure to dry it thoroughly to prevent any mold or bacteria growth.

Vietnamese Phin Brewing Process

The secret of Vietnamese coffee ratio lies at the core of this unique brewing method. With an almost 1:1 ratio of sweetened condensed milk to coffee, the process balances the potent, dark roast coffee with sweetness, creating a deliciously rich and aromatic experience.

To begin, I place the filter plate on top of the cup, ensuring a secure fit.

The brewing temperature is crucial for extracting the best flavors from the coffee. I aim for a range between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just below boiling point.

Once the filter plate is in place, I add the brewing chamber with holes on top. This chamber allows for water distribution, ensuring that every coffee ground is evenly saturated. Water distribution is key to achieving a balanced and flavorful cup of coffee.

After adding the coffee grounds, I make sure to shake the brew chamber gently. This step helps to level out the coffee grounds and ensures an even flow of water during the brewing process.

Overall, the brewing process with the phin filter requires attention to detail and a passion for crafting the perfect cup of coffee.

Now that you have the right equipment and beans, let’s get your Vietnamese-style coffee making! To brew your perfect cup of Vietnamese coffee, you’ll need to pay attention to the following:

  • Making sure you use the proper brewing ratios for the number of drink you’re making
  • Heating the water to the right temperature
  • Grinding the beans to the correct consistency

What is the coffee bloom?

When brewing with the phin filter, I understand the importance of the coffee bloom for optimal flavor extraction.

The coffee bloom is a crucial step in the brewing process as it allows the coffee to degas and expand, preparing it for extraction. This leads to better flavor extraction and a more satisfying cup of coffee.

The benefits of the coffee bloom are undeniable, and there are techniques to enhance it further.

One technique is to pour enough water to cover the gravity press and allow the coffee to bloom for about 60 seconds. This allows the coffee to degas fully and ensures a more even extraction.

Another technique is to add water all the way to the top after blooming, which helps maintain a steady flow of water and indicates the absence of any air pockets.

By understanding and utilizing these techniques, I can enhance the coffee bloom and achieve a truly delicious cup of coffee.

How to dial in the phin filter?

After experimenting with different grind sizes, I found the right setting to dial in my phin filter for optimal extraction time. Adjusting the grind size is crucial in achieving the perfect cup of coffee. Here are four key points to consider when dialing in the grind for the phin filter:

  1. Starting point: Begin with a fine grind setting, similar to that used for pour over V60. This will ensure a good starting point for the brewing process.
  2. Time metrics: Aim for specific time benchmarks during the brewing process. The first drip should occur within 2 minutes, and the last drip should fall between 5-6 minutes. Adjust the grind size accordingly to meet these time metrics.
  3. Fine-tuning: Fine-tune the grind size to achieve the desired extraction time. If the coffee is dripping too quickly, make the grind finer. If it’s taking too long, adjust to a coarser grind.
  4. Patience and experimentation: Dialing in the grind requires patience and experimentation. Keep track of adjustments made and the resulting flavor profile to find the perfect grind size for your taste preferences.

By carefully adjusting the grind size, you can achieve optimal extraction time and unlock the full potential of your phin filter brewing experience. Happy brewing!

How to Adjusting Coffee Strength

Adjusting the strength of my coffee is an important factor in achieving my desired taste. With the phin filter, I have the flexibility to experiment with ratios and enhance the flavors of my brew.

By using a ratio of one to two, I can create a strong cup of coffee that packs a punch. However, if I prefer a milder taste, I can increase the water ratio to lighten the brew.

Another trick I’ve learned is to add a second pour on top, which further adjusts the strength of the coffee. This allows me to customize my cup to perfection.

The phin filter’s versatility allows me to play with different ratios and find the perfect balance for my taste buds. Adjusting the coffee strength is an art that adds depth and dimension to my brewing experience.

Grind SizeAmount of Coffee Grounds UsedStrength of Coffee
Coarse2 tablespoonsMild
Medium2 tablespoonsMedium
Fine2 tablespoonsStrong

Tips for How To Make Vietnamese Coffee

Perfect Cup of Vietnamese Coffee

For the perfect cup of joe, mastering this filter is essential! First, make sure you have the freshest beans available; storing them in an airtight container will help keep them smelling and tasting delicious.

When you are ready to grind your beans, use a medium-fine grind size; the grind should be about the same consistency as table salt. Then, make sure to measure your coffee and water correctly. A good ratio to follow is 3 tablespoons of ground coffee to 4 ounces of water.

Finally, for the best tasting coffee, let the brew steep for 4-5 minutes.

Once you have the perfect brew, make sure to enjoy it right away. This filter does not have a lid, so the coffee will continue to brew and get stronger until its finished.

To ensure you get the perfect coffee cup each time, make sure to adjust the grind size and the steep time to meet your personal preferences. With a few simple steps and a bit of practice, you can find the perfect Vietnamese coffee brew for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

To achieve the perfect coffee bloom in the Phin filter, it’s crucial to understand the role of bloom in coffee brewing. The bloom occurs when water is added to coffee, allowing it to degas and expand. This step prepares the coffee for extraction and enhances flavor extraction.

In the Phin filter, I recommend letting the coffee bloom for about 60 seconds. This gives the coffee enough time to degas and ensures a more flavorful and balanced cup of coffee.

Cleaning and maintaining the phin filter is crucial for ensuring a clean and flavorful brew. To clean the filter:

  1. Disassemble the filter.
  2. Rinse each component with hot water.
  3. Avoid using soap, as it can leave residue and affect the taste of future brews.

For proper maintenance:

  1. Dry all the parts thoroughly before reassembling.
  2. Periodically deep clean the filter by soaking it in a mixture of hot water and vinegar to remove any buildup.

Regular cleaning and proper maintenance will ensure a long-lasting and high-quality brewing experience.

Yes, you can use pre-ground coffee with a Phin Filter. However, for the best results, it is recommended to use freshly ground specialty coffee. The Phin Filter is specifically designed to extract the unique flavors and aromas of specialty coffee. Using pre-ground coffee may not yield the same level of quality. To achieve the perfect cup, it is advised to invest in a good quality grinder and grind your coffee right before brewing. This ensures optimal flavor extraction and a truly exceptional coffee experience. Happy brewing!

Yes, you can absolutely use a different type of coffee bean with a phin filter.

The beauty of the phin filter is its versatility and ability to accommodate different brewing methods.

Whether you prefer a bold and robust cup or a lighter and more delicate one, the phin filter can deliver.

Its ingenious design allows for optimal water flow and extraction, ensuring that you can enjoy the unique flavors and characteristics of any coffee bean you choose to brew with.

The best water temperature to use when brewing with the Phin filter is between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature range is considered the optimal brewing temperature for extracting the full flavor from the coffee grounds.

It allows for proper extraction and ensures that the coffee is not under or over-extracted. Achieving the right water temperature is crucial in order to get a delicious and well-balanced cup of coffee using the Phin filter.


In conclusion, brewing with a phin filter is not just a method, but an art form that requires precision and experimentation.

By mastering the basics of shaking out the grounds, blooming the coffee, and adjusting grind size and brewing time, one can achieve a strong and flavorful cup of coffee.

The phin filter allows for a unique and authentic brewing experience, resulting in a rich and satisfying coffee flavor.

If you want to compare the Vietnam Phin Brew method with other methods, such as the Melitta coffee brewing system, make cold brew coffee with toddy system, how to make pour over coffee

Once you’ve got the technique down, you’ll be able to brew the perfect coffee cup every single time. So give it a go – you won’t regret it! Trust me, it’s an experience like no other.

Hope you get useful information from the article, if you have any questions or want to learn more about coffee brewing methods explained, read more articles about coffeebeans, please visit the website: vietnamcoffeebeans

Thank you!

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