» » » What is Lempira Coffee?

What is Lempira Coffee?

Lempira is a coffee variety that falls under the Catimor family of coffee hybrids. It was developed by the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) through selective breeding to produce high yields and quality beans. As a Catimor hybrid, Lempira coffee thrives in warmer zones and acidic soil conditions above 1300 meters.

However, the variety requires careful cultivation. Lempira is susceptible to coffee leaf rust and Ojo de Gallo fungal disease, but displays strong resistance to coffee berry disease. Recommended planting density is 5000-6000 plants per hectare with single-stem pruning.

Lempira’s early fruiting and specific soil and climate needs require attentive farm management. Yet the variety rewards proper care by producing a medium-bodied coffee with pleasing floral and chocolate notes. The signature Lempira flavor profile complements other popular varieties like SL-28 Coffee.

By understanding Lempira’s origins, agronomic traits, and disease vulnerabilities, growers can cultivate this high-quality Catimor hybrid in suitable conditions.

Key Takeaways

  • Lempira is a high-yielding variety with rust resistance and good quality at elevations above 1300 meters.
  • It is recommended for acidic soils and soils rich in aluminum, as well as for the warmest zones.
  • Lempira belongs to the introgressed (Catimor related) genetic group of Arabica and was bred by Instituto Hondureño del Café (IHCAFE).
  • Lempira is highly similar to Costa Rica 95 and is a variety not uniform.

What Is Lempira Coffee?

Lempira is a coffee variety that belongs to the Catimor family of hybrids, as it is a cross between Caturra and Timor species. The Lempira variety was developed by researchers in Honduras seeking to breed a high-yielding coffee with good bean quality.

As a Catimor hybrid, Lempira grows best in warm temperatures and acidic soil conditions above 1300 meters altitude. The small bronze-tipped trees require plenty of fertilization to thrive.

However, Lempira’s vulnerabilities need to be managed, as it is prone to coffee leaf rust and the Ojo de Gallo fungal disease. Preventative care is needed.

When properly cultivated under suitable conditions, Lempira produces abundant harvests of medium-bodied coffee with nice chocolate and floral notes. The variety rewards farmers with generous yields when its preferred climate and soil needs are met.

Varieties Of lempira Coffee Beans

Catimor refers to a family of coffee hybrids bred specifically for yield, hardiness, and disease resistance. The breeding crossed Caturra and Hibrido de Timor varieties to produce a high-yielding coffee adapted to warm climates and lower altitudes.

A key benefit of Catimor is its natural resistance to coffee berry disease, which protects against crop losses. However, it remains vulnerable to other threats like coffee leaf rust and nematodes, requiring prevention efforts.

Catimor varieties exhibit a range of flavor profiles from low to exceptionally high quality depending on altitude and cultivation. The compact, bronze-tipped trees thrive in acidic soils and produce medium-sized beans.

Overall, the combination of generous yields, hardy nature, and variable cup quality make Catimor a widely adopted variety well-suited to certain growing conditions and threats.

Growth HabitCompact
Leaf Tip ColorBronze
Bean SizeAverage
Yield PotentialHigh
Quality Potential at High AltitudeLow to Exceptional

Characteristics of Catimor and Lempira Coffee

To understand what defines IHCAFE 90 coffee, one must appreciate the unique conditions in which it’s grown and harvested. Similarly, by understanding what defines Lempira Coffee, one can appreciate the unique flavor profile that’s characterized by its complex taste and aroma.

Lempira, belonging to the introgressed genetic group of Arabica, is a highly similar variety to Costa Rica 95. It is known for its high yield potential, rust resistance, and good quality at elevations above 1300 meters.

When comparing the yield potential between Catimor and Lempira, both varieties have high yields. However, Catimor is particularly adapted to the warmest zones and acidic soils.

On the other hand, Lempira thrives in acidic soils rich in aluminum and is recommended for the warmest zones.

In terms of disease resistance, Catimor is susceptible to coffee leaf rust and nematodes, while Lempira is susceptible to coffee leaf rust and Ojo de Gallo. However, both varieties are resistant to coffee berry disease.

Overall, Catimor and Lempira are excellent choices for coffee farmers looking for high yield potential and disease resistance. Catimor is better suited for specific soil and climate conditions.

Optimal Altitude for Catimor

Based on my research, the optimal altitude for maximizing the performance of Catimor is between 1000-1200 meters for latitudes 5°N to 5°S. At this altitude, Catimor exhibits its best flavor profiles, resulting in a rich and balanced cup of coffee.

The effects of altitude on coffee flavor profiles are well-documented, and Catimor thrives in this specific range.

When comparing optimal altitudes for different coffee varieties, it is important to consider their specific characteristics and genetic makeup. Each variety has its own preferences and requirements when it comes to altitude. For example, some varieties may excel at higher altitudes, while others may perform better at lower altitudes.

Understanding these differences allows coffee farmers to make informed decisions and maximize the potential of their crops.

In conclusion, choosing the right altitude for cultivating Catimor can significantly impact the flavor and quality of the coffee produced. By selecting an altitude within the recommended range, coffee farmers can ensure that their Catimor beans reach their full potential, resulting in a delightful and satisfying coffee experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Specific diseases affecting Lempira include coffee leaf rust and Ojo de Gallo.

As a knowledgeable coffee farmer, I understand the importance of managing these diseases to ensure the health and productivity of my Lempira plants.

To enhance disease resistance, I follow recommended management practices such as regular monitoring, timely application of fungicides, and maintaining optimal growing conditions.

By staying vigilant and implementing effective strategies, I can protect my Lempira crop and maximize its yield potential.

Lempira trees typically start producing fruit in their third year of growth.

Several factors can affect the fruit production of Lempira trees. These include the variety’s genetics, environmental conditions, nutrition, and proper management practices.

It is important to ensure that Lempira trees are planted in optimal conditions, such as acidic soils and warmest zones. Additionally, providing the tree with the necessary nutrition and following recommended planting densities can also contribute to the timely and abundant fruit production of Lempira trees.

To achieve optimal growing conditions for cultivating Lempira coffee, it’s important to consider various factors.

This includes selecting the right altitude, as Lempira thrives in low to medium altitudes.

Additionally, it is susceptible to coffee leaf rust and nematodes, so proper pest management techniques should be implemented.

Providing high nutrition requirements is also essential for its growth.

By ensuring these conditions are met, Lempira coffee can flourish and produce high-quality yields.

In comparative analysis, the Lempira variety of coffee stands out for its impressive yield potential and quality.

When compared to other popular coffee varieties, Lempira consistently delivers high yields and produces specialty-grade coffee.

Its growth habit, optimal altitude, and resistance to diseases like coffee leaf rust and nematodes contribute to its success.

With its exceptional performance in terms of both quantity and quality, Lempira is a top choice for coffee farmers and enthusiasts alike.

The history and origin of the Lempira coffee variety can be traced back to the Catimor group, which includes various Arabica varieties.

Lempira is a high-yielding coffee variety that thrives in warm zones with acidic soils. Its growth habit is characterized by a compact stature and bronze leaf tips.

Lempira beans are of average size and have the potential for high yields. This variety also exhibits good quality potential at high altitudes.

Coffee cultivation techniques and the Lempira coffee market demand have contributed to the popularity of this variety.


In conclusion, Lempira is a high-yielding variety of Arabica coffee that thrives in warm climates with acidic soils. Its compact growth habit and bronze-tipped leaves make it easily recognizable.

While it is susceptible to coffee leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease, its excellent quality potential at high altitudes makes it a popular choice for coffee producers.

The optimal altitude for growing Lempira varies depending on the latitude, and it typically starts producing coffee in its third year. With its high nutrition requirement and average fruit ripening, Lempira offers a versatile option for those seeking good quality and high yields.

In our other article, we dive into what defines Anacafe 14, another popular Central American coffee, offering a comprehensive comparison for our readers.

Hope you get useful information from the article, If you want to read other article or want to read more about coffeebeans, please visit the website: vietnamcoffeebeans.com

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Categories: Types of Coffee