» » » What is Sl34 Coffee?

What is Sl34 Coffee?

SL34 is a coffee variety that originally comes from Kenya, developed by Scott Laboratories. It produces tall trees with distinctive dark bronze tips on new leaves. The variety is known for producing large coffee beans that contribute to its high yield potential.

However, SL34 coffee is susceptible to major coffee threats like leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease. Its vulnerabilities require preventative care.

Despite these challenges, SL34 remains popular for its exceptional cup quality and ability to thrive in high altitude regions with ample rainfall. Its resilience and flavor make SL34 a favorite among specialty coffee lovers.

Later we will explore SL34’s genetic background, best cultivation practices, and how it compares to other varieties like SL14. But first, let’s take a closer look at what defines this unique coffee.

Key Takeaways

  • SL34 is a coffee variety known for its exceptional cup quality and is highly valued in the coffee industry.
  • It is a tall plant with dark bronze tips on new leaves and produces large coffee beans, making it visually distinctive.
  • SL34 has a high yield potential and is particularly well-suited for high altitude areas with good rainfall.
  • However, it is susceptible to coffee leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease, which are major concerns for farmers.

What is Sl34 Coffee?

SL34 is a coffee variety that originated in Kenya, developed by Scott Laboratories. It produces tall trees with distinctive bronze-tipped leaves.

SL34 is known for its large coffee beans that can produce exceptionally high-quality coffee when grown at high altitudes with ample rainfall. However, it takes about 3 years for the trees to begin producing fruit.

Once mature, SL34 trees are surprisingly resilient to neglect. Even with years of inadequate care and fertilizer, SL34 can still produce decent yields. Although lower maintenance leads to reduced output, production can be restored by resuming proper care of the plants.

So while vulnerable to diseases, SL34 is valued for being a low-maintenance variety that can bounce back well even after periods of neglect. Its ability to still produce good yields with minimal care makes SL34 a robust choice.

Characteristics and Qualities

When exploring the Anacafe 14 variety, it is essential to understand the unique attributes that set SL34 coffee apart.

SL34 is a coffee variety known for its exceptional cup quality. It is characterized by its tall plant with dark bronze tips on new leaves and large coffee beans. These qualities make it a valuable and genetically diverse option for the coffee industry.

Notably, SL28 coffee, with its rich history and distinct flavor, served as the parent variety for SL34. The history and flavor of SL28 coffee shine through in SL34, resulting in a delightful fusion of complexity and versatility.

The flavor profile of SL34 is highly regarded. Its beans produce a rich and vibrant taste that is often described as complex, with notes of citrus, blackcurrant, and caramel.

In addition to its exceptional cup quality, SL34 also has specific growth requirements. It thrives in high altitude areas with good rainfall, making it well-suited for regions with these conditions.

However, it is important to note that SL34 is highly susceptible to major diseases such as coffee leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease. Therefore, proper disease management and prevention strategies are crucial for its successful cultivation.

When it comes to the characteristics and qualities of SL34 coffee, one cannot ignore the enlightening perspective provided by IHCAFE 90 coffee explained. IHCAFE 90 coffee, another esteemed variety, shares similarities with SL34 in terms of its desirable cup profile, including its smoothness and nuanced flavors.

Genetic and Historical Background Of SL34

Just as one would delve into exploring the Batian coffee variety, understanding the origins and genetic makeup of the SL34 coffee is equally fascinating.

Selected in Kenya in the late 1930s, SL34 is a coffee variety that belongs to the Bourbon – Typica coffee group and has a rich genetic and historical background.

This variety, visually characterized by its dark bronze shoot tipped plants, has played a significant role in the coffee industry. SL34’s selection from a single tree on the Loresho Estate in Kabete, Kenya, showcases its value and potential.

It is closely related to the Typica genetic group and French Mission coffee, as well as the Bourbon variety. Being part of the World Coffee Research program further demonstrates its importance.

SL34 not only contributes to the diversity of coffee varieties but also stands out for its exceptional cup quality. As a coffee grower, I appreciate the resilience and flavor this variety offers, making it an excellent choice for cultivation.

Lempira coffee explained, SL34 coffee represents a legacy of craftsmanship and dedication by coffee farmers, ensuring a delicious coffee experience in every cup.

SL34 coffee taste

SL34 is a coffee variety developed in Kenya that has many advantageous traits. It is relatively easy to cultivate and has good resistance to major coffee diseases. The variety is also resilient to rain and wind.

SL34 traces its lineage back to the famous Bourbon variety. Like its parent, SL34 has a complex acidity and bold taste. But it finishes with a sweet aftertaste.

The combination of disease resistance, resilience to weather, and appealing flavor profile make SL34 an excellent choice for coffee producers. Its connections to renowned Bourbon contribute to the variety’s reputation for quality. SL34 offers a tasty cup with low maintenance needs.

Importance and Recommendations

As intriguing as an introduction to Mibirizi coffee, exploring the characteristics of the SL34 coffee varietal, native to Kenya, is sure to capture the attention of coffee connoisseurs.

As a coffee grower, I highly value the genetic and cultural significance of SL34 and recognize its importance in the Arabica coffee industry.

SL34 is not only known for its exceptional cup quality but also for its resilience in drought-prone regions. This characteristic makes it an invaluable asset for smallholder coffee growers in Rwanda and Burundi, where water scarcity is a common challenge.

However, it is important to note that SL34 has a relatively short productive life, which is a concern for some coffee authorities in Rwanda. Despite this drawback, the exceptional quality potential of SL34 at high altitudes cannot be overlooked.

Its unique flavor profile and ability to thrive in challenging conditions make it a valuable addition to the diversity of coffee varieties, contributing to the overall resilience of the coffee industry.

When discussing the importance and recommendations about SL34 coffee, it is crucial to consider how Timor coffee explained can provide valuable insights and comparisons that help highlight the distinct qualities and potential of SL34, enabling coffee enthusiasts to make informed choices and appreciate its unique characteristics.

While exploring the importance of SL34, it’s hard to ignore the story of Starmaya coffee, another prominent coffee variety. Starmaya’s intriguing narrative often intertwines with discussions about SL34, as both have had significant impacts on the coffee industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

When comparing the cup quality of SL34 with other coffee varieties, it’s important to consider its unique characteristics.

SL34 is known for exceptional cup quality, with flavor profiles that are rich and flavorful. It thrives in high altitude areas with good rainfall, which contributes to its exceptional quality potential.

However, SL34 faces challenges such as susceptibility to diseases like coffee leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease. Additionally, it has a shorter productive lifespan, which is why it is not recommended by Rwandan coffee authorities.

For cultivating SL34, there are specific farming techniques and practices that are recommended.

Firstly, it is important to ensure proper soil nutrition to support its medium nutrient requirements.

Additionally, maintaining a planting density of 1000-2000 plants per hectare is crucial for optimal growth and yield potential.

Pest management is also essential, as SL34 is susceptible to coffee leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease.

Regular monitoring and appropriate control measures are necessary to protect the crop and maintain its exceptional quality potential.

The average lifespan of an SL34 coffee plant is typically around 15 to 20 years. However, it’s important to note that this can vary depending on various factors such as disease management, cultivation techniques, and environmental conditions.

To ensure the longevity of SL34 plants, it is recommended to implement proper farming practices such as regular pruning, disease prevention measures, and providing the necessary nutrition and care. These techniques can help maximize the productivity and lifespan of SL34 coffee plants.

Yes, SL34 can be grown successfully in low altitude areas with limited rainfall. However, it is primarily adapted to high altitude areas with good rainfall. Growing conditions significantly impact yield potential.

In low altitude areas with limited rainfall, SL34 may not reach its full yield potential and may require additional irrigation. It is recommended to consult local agricultural experts and consider other coffee varieties better suited for these specific growing conditions.

There are indeed some challenges and risks associated with growing SL34 that farmers should be aware of. One major challenge is its susceptibility to coffee leaf rust, nematodes, and coffee berry disease. This means that farmers need to implement effective pest and disease management strategies to protect their crops.

Additionally, SL34 has a relatively short productive life, which is a risk for farmers who are looking for a long-term investment.

It’s important for farmers to weigh these challenges and risks before deciding to grow SL34.


SL34 coffee is a remarkable cultivar that offers a high-quality cup with complex flavors and aromas. It is one of the most popular varieties grown in Kenya, where it thrives in high-altitude areas with good rainfall.

However, it also faces many challenges from diseases and pests, such as coffee leaf rust, coffee berry disease, and nematodes. Therefore, it requires careful attention and management to ensure its sustainability and productivity. If you are looking for a unique and delicious coffee experience, you should try SL34 coffee and discover its amazing potential.

Hope you get useful information from the article, If you want to read other article or want to read more about coffeebeans, please visit the website: vietnamcoffeebeans.com

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Categories: Types of Coffee